Friday, January 30, 2009

Axes of Evil

This is just a funny aside....

Eugene has been chopping wood because we've had a downed tree in front of our house for awhile. Yesterday, he said that he'd like to get a wood maul because it would make splitting big logs easier. For all of you city dwellers (and people like me who have always lived in the woods but for some reason have never heard of a wood maul), a wood maul is like an axe, but specially designed for, of course, splitting and chopping wood.

Demonstrating, my sometimes macabre sense of humor, I said, "If we get a wood maul, you wouldn't kill me with it, would you?" I expected him to say something along the lines of "Don't be stupid. I would never hurt you." Or maybe that he would have just acted annoyed at such a stupid question. Instead, he said in a "don't be silly" voice, "Babe, I've already got like five axes."

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