Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A not so healthy glow

So, it has been absolutely forever since I've updated. Over two months! I'll give you the long overdue backstory. For some helpful background information, I'll have you know that I have an unusually high tolerance for pain (of some sorts), and while I run at a ridiculously slow pace, I can run forever, even if I'm hurting all over. I've run several marathons without hardly training and have managed to finish, and yes, even sprint to the finish.

At any rate, a little bit after the Christmas holidays, my legs started bothering me. At one point, I tried going for a run with Eugene, and I had to stop about 30 feet from our driveway because the pain in my legs was so severe. My legs even hurt during yoga. Since the pain was centralized, I was sure that I had a stress fracture. Even though I am usually loathe to go to the doctor, I went because I figured that I should go, because I wanted to be able to get back to my regular running regimen as soon as possible. I went, and was told to get a bone scan to verify that I had a stress fracture.

Now, for that part about the "glow." Getting a bone scan is surprisingly relaxing, yet disturbing all at the same time. In order for the scanning equipment to get an accurate picture of the bones, I was injected with radioactive isotopes, yes, radioactive isotopes. There were signs all over the scanning room warning that anyone who is pregnant, remotely could become pregnant, or has ever even thought about getting pregnant even for a millisecond, should not have the scan done. I forged on nonetheless, and had the scan done. I got to lay on a table for awhile, and took a little nap.

The result? Several radioactive isotopes and $250 later, I verified that I, in fact, did not have a stress fracture, but shin splints. And on top of that, the leg that was bothering me was apparently in better shape than the leg that wasn't bothering me.

Stay tuned for scintillating stories of my rehabilitation....

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