Thursday, December 4, 2008

Funny Runny

So, this post is a little late in coming. It dates back to the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Ahhh. It seems like a lifetime ago. I was doing so well then! I had run 4 miles the day before at a fast pace (for me), and then PL called me the next day around lunch to see if I wanted to go on the agency wellness run. I decided to take him up on it. So, I headed down to the locker room. Who did I run into? None other than my old (not age-wise) running group. They were suiting up to go running. It was a funny moment, because they hadn't invited me. I think that they caught wind of my running longer, faster, and by myself, which, let's be honest, isn't saying much. They asked if I was running, and I told them that I was running with PL. They said, "Oh, running with the big boys now." Luckily, I didn't have to have the "breakup" talk with them.

So, PL and I took off to meet up with the other runners. As it turns out, my running group for that afternoon was comprised of men old enough to be my father. One of them actually has a daughter my age. We talked about politics and then strangely, the conversation turned to things like Star Wars and Star Trek. There was an animated discussion about the feud between William Shatner and George Takei, and then a comment that Star Wars was nothing more than a big marketing ploy. The Ewoks in particular were singled out, as one of the runners thought that they had no real function except to be cute so that Star Wars could market cute cuddly things to kids. It may not sound amusing now, but it actually was then. We ended up running between 5 and 6 miles at an 11ish minute pace. Not too bad given that my legs were feeling a bit tight.

Sadly, I haven't run since then. I was overcome by the gluttony of Thanksgiving, and then I got sick again. Maybe this weekend.....

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