Tuesday, December 9, 2008

On an Unrelated Note

So far, the blog has been limited to running and our home improvement projects. I already have a food blog and could start yet another blog to talk about things that aren't food, running, or house related, but that would be way to much work. What is unrelated to those categories? Music.

I have varied tastes and appreciate all types of music if it's good. I'm not one of the categorical "no rap" or "no country" types of folk. Also, while I appreciate music that's not mainstream radio stuff, I appreciate catchy music as much as the next person.

At any rate, that sneaky Target has a display of CDs near the checkout. Whenever Eugene and I go shopping, I'm mean and make him stand in the line while I look at the tabloids. Yes, I am Leah, and I am a celebrity news junky. Since we were at the store recently, I had already looked at all of the tabloids that I wanted to look at and decided to check out the handy dandy CD display instead. On a whim, I decided to buy the new Beyonce CD. Bad Leah! Bad Leah!!! And so close to Christmas.... What's strange is that I've never been a huge Beyonce fan. I've always appreciated her vocal talent and think that some of her music is fun, but I've never felt compelled to buy any of her music. I'm not sure what it was that made me want to buy the album. Anyways, I'm glad I decided to buy it. The CD was excellent. It's a two-disc set with 5 to 6 songs on each. One disc is comprised of slow ballads and the other disc is more clubby. I like the ballads the most, but the other disc is good too. The best thing about the album is that all of the songs are listenable. I can't tell you how many times I've bought albums where I like 3 or so songs and the rest are crap.

My only beef with the album is the weird title, "I am .... Sasha Fierce." Apparently, Sasha Fierce is Beyonce's alter ego or something like that. What's up with all of these artists having alter egos... like Garth Brooks and Mariah Carey. Weird, I tell you. And if you're going to have an alter ego, Sasha Fierce??? But, the album is so good that the strange choice in name is trivial. And maybe it's an effective title. Maybe, just maybe, the weird alter ego thing is what got me curious enough to buy the album (that, and it was on sale for cheap).

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