Wednesday, December 3, 2008

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth...

For the two people who read this blog (other than Leah and myself) you have probably noticed I haven't written anything in a while. Well, first, I haven't been running lately. Post MCM, like last year, I am having some knee pain, and attributing it to some residual tendonitis that hopefully will go away soon. Second - the last few weeks have been insane. I was on the road on my last monthly trip to Mobile, had reserve duty, grad school, and of course all the usual craziness associated with the holidays. There is also one big change (career related) that I will allude more to in the coming days.

However, I did take a few days over the Thanksgiving break and knock out a few projects that have been stacking up on MY to-do list (as opposed to Leah's Eugene's to-do list...). More to follow...

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