Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Back with a Vengeance!

I ran FAST today. Okay, not that fast, but I ran faster than I have in years. Let me explain. If you've been keeping up, you know that I had a leg and heel ailment. The heel is still bugging me a bit, but the leg feels much better. Yoga yesterday was the test to determine whether I was ready to start running again. During my last yoga class, the step forward transition bothered my right leg. Yesterday, it didn't, so I decided I was ready to run the next day. I was gabbing about this after class, and EK, who organizes the class said, "Hey! I'll go with you."

I was a bit nervous about running with her because she recently ran a 5K at an 8:45 pace. However, I'm of the philosophy that it's best to run with someone faster than you are because it's a challenge. So today, I took on the challenge. I did admirably. I had to struggle to keep up with her but never lagged behind. According to her GPS, we ran about 4 or so miles in 40 minutes. That's a 10minute mile and much faster than I've run in awhile!

On top of that, my leg didn't hurt after! I'm back!

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