Sunday, November 9, 2008

Workweek Hum Drum

So, last workweek was a spotty running week.

Tuesday sucked. I went for my standard run around the national mall by myself. My legs felt like they were made of lead. I felt like I was running at a glacial pace and had no energy. I didn't really feel good until the home stretch. Maybe I'm better suited for long distances. In those races, at least on my non-elite level, it's okay to use the first 3 miles to warm up.

Wednesday wasn't much better. I ran with one of my running group buddies, and we wanted to use the run to buy newspapers that covered the historic election results. Because we wanted to run up to the Union Station newstand at the end of our run, we projected that it would be a longer run. As I mentioned before, my work running buddies are new to running and reluctant to push themselves too hard. Not only did we walk for the first quarter-mile to warm up, we walked at the end because the run was longer. We also ran at an extremely slow pace. Before this run, I had never really noticed when other people ran super slow, because I'm generally so slow. In this case, it was aggravating for me to slow down so much. I have a new appreciation for Eugene and how he puts up with my slow running. At the end, I felt like I didn't get much out of the run, and the newstand was sold out of papers. Blahhh.

I went to yoga on Thursday and got put through the ringer and then didn't run Friday. All in all, not the best training week.

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