Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I ran at lunch again today. LP was supposed to run with me, but cancelled at the last second. I guess she has an excuse because she's coming off of a back injury, but of course, that didn't keep me from giving her a hard time. All in good fun. It worked out well in the end, because I did some intervals.

In case it has escaped notice, I'm only loosely adhering to the training program; running a few times a week and doing some harcore yoga twice a week. For I, who have never really exercised all that regularly, that's really something. The program calls for interval running, but since I haven't looked at the program in so long, I can't remember the exact prescribed intervals. I did it the ghetto way using landmarks. It felt good to really push myself. I thought a lot about how I could make my stride quicker and more efficient. Not that it did any good, but I felt myself getting into a rhythm.

Disappointingly, I don't think I was any quicker today than I was yesterday, even with the intervals. At least I'm trying!

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