Friday, October 31, 2008

The Tortoise and the Hare

In an unprecedented turn of events, I ran for the third time this week.

For some backstory, my agency has a wellness program and an exercise studio. I take yoga classes in my building twice a week -- Monday evenings and Thursdays at 1:15. I was supposed to go to yoga today. Unfortunately, we had a training session today. I had planned only to go to the morning session because I had actual work to do. So, even though I wouldn't have been in training, I felt like it would have looked disingenuous if I skipped the training, but went to yoga. Instead, I decided to go for a run during the lunch break scheduled during training. In retrospect, I'm not sure that my logic makes sense.

I ran with PL, who I think heads my agency's wellness program. In addition to daily yoga classes, we also have running groups; a hare group (for fast runners) and a tortoise group (for slow runners). I feel like the tortoise group should change its name to the "just as good" group. Labels schmabels. PL organizes the runs for the Hare group. He was a bit delayed in sending the announcement out about today's scheduled run; since no one was probably going to join, he ran with me and said that we could go as slow as I wanted. We did a 4 to 5 mile run around the mall to the WWII Memorial and back. All in all a nice run.

It felt good. There was good conversation, and surprisingly, I was able to run and talk at the same time. I used to be good at it, but after falling off of the running wagon for awhile, it was hard. I also ran further today than I have since I broke my foot, or more accurately, since I ran the Cherry Blossom 10-miler in the spring. I think that I slowed PL down a lot. Next time, I'll tell him to try and run faster and pace me.

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