Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Munchie Run

One of the downfalls in my lackluster running regimen (if you could call it that) is that I could never find the right time to run. Let's go over the possible times to run, as contemplated by the old me:

Before work: It pains me to wake up any earlier than I have to. So no.
During work: I would have to shower and then reapply cosmetics and it would take WAY too long.
After work: I was just at WORK. Why would I want to work out after work?
On the weekends: By the time I'm done sleeping in, I have social obligations to attend to :)

I figured I needed to start running on a regular basis, and the "during work" option is the only one that doesn't involve sleep deprivation. Also, I've become amazed at my speedy showering skills and just stopped worrying about the cosmetics. Who am I trying to impress at work anyways?

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